Wednesday, August 17, 2011
How do I byp the alarm on a 2000 montero sport from the penger door?
I changed the alternator and of course disconnected the battery. I dont have a keyless entry remote so I cant start the vehichle!!!!!!! This happened once before and I was able to get ahold of the guy I got it from and he gave me a sequence from the penger door using the key to lock and unlock the door a certain number of times and it worked to byp the alarm, my problem is that I dont remember the sequence and if the vehicle needs to be locked or unlocked when I start the said sequence!!! Please help!!!!!
Is Opal Office any good?? Does is really work?
I'm thinking about spending the $12 to download Opal Office. I am very familar with Microsoft Office. I do not do very sophisticated stuff. Mainly just my budget, and things like that. I just would like to know if Opal Office actually works. I tried Open Office, but it's blowing up on me all the time. aarrgghh!!!
Whats up with all the ridiculous world cup flags all over Lebanon?
Its an idiotic tradition : Advertising the whole world about your favorite football team, if you were in danger, would the Brazilian football team come to your rescue ?
Where Can I Go For A Fresh Start?
I am all of a sudden feeling the need to move out of the state that I am living in and just start over and just reinvent myself. I have never been out side of home, as far as living, and I just really wanna change and see the world for myself. Some times starting over is the best thing for people. There will be no one there who knows you and you can be the person why you wanna be and this is what I really want! BUT there is only one problem!!! I have no idea where to go! Any Ideas?
What is dynamic equilibrium? Does it have anything 2 do with the atmosphere,biosphere,hydrosphe…
The second part isn't a big deal but it would be nice to know for my homework! The first part is the most important! Thanks to all who answer!
Im confused please!?
I don't think swimming makes you taller... But, considering that you're 13, you're probably going to get taller. If you grow any taller you're going to kill yourself? Don't! You won't grow dramatically or anything, you'll probably end up being just a little bit above 6 feet when you are fully grown. Good luck!
Pins & Needles in Arm in morning when I wake up?
Andy, relax and stop worrying! You are bound to be right that you are lying on your arm - and everyone gets dead legs from time to time if they sit in one position too long. As for poor circulation, your grandad lost a toe, undoubtedly at an advanced age. Hands and arms are rarely affected in the same way. Furthermore, I'll bet your grandad either had diabetes or was a smoker.
Is this poem any good?
You bet your *** it's good. Not only does the context and description make it great, but rhyming is bonus points.
Darren Bent vs Emile Heskey?
Since the England world cup squad has been announced i am absoulutely devastated for Darren Bent, he's a terrific goal scorer for Sunderland and in my opinion deserves to be in the England squad, you need a striker who scores goals right? Emile Heskey 50 appearences for Villa ONLY 7 goals compared the Darren Bent 39apps 25 goals and Capello decides to pick Heskey? I know Heskeys got much more experience than Bent in England squad but a striker is someone who scores goals and sorry if i offend people but i think he's over rated cause h e has played for the likes of Villa and Liverpool, im not disrepecting Heskey in anyway but i just dont think he is good enough for England and hopefully Bent will be included in Euro or World cup 2014.
How long is ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS)?
my cousin sent me a package from Canada and i wonder why is it stuck at Inbound International Arrival ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) for 4 days
Weight Loss Pills?
Random question but has anyone here ever or is taking a weight loss pill [such as "adios"] Do they actually work???
How to make loose wavy hair without heat?
try this curling serum I found at walmart. It didn't really curl anything but it did add extra waves when my hair gets so long that the weight pulls it straight.
Bottom Twenty Names: Blasts from the Past or Back to the Future?
That is so CRAZY about some of those. Especially Cullen and Madelyn. Indiana reminds me so much of the Londyn phase going on right now. Based on that I do think names can make a comeback despite popularity. Believe it or not Jayden dates back to old English times, something I never knew.
Why did jesus have a Greek name?
that is because Jesus is a fictional character and a fictional characters creator can name it what ever he or she wants
No title, just saying, will you C/C please?
Beautiful poem my friend - I try to forget my childhood but like you said it is part of me and will never be lost.
Navy Corpsman or Coast Guard Medic?
I don't know which one to pick, I love the water and I want to be a Medic. Can you tell me the pros and cons of both of them?
How should i put my bird aviary on a concrete slap?
A few week ago my aviary blow over in a storm it was concrete down but that seem to not keep it down.Should i bolt it down and then put concrete on top of the bolts. If i was to get bolt what type bolts am i looking for and what drill would i use ?
How reliable is multi-level marketing? and are all MLMs the same?
Friend of mine is trying to recruit me to this MLM I mean I have joined Omega trend and been approached several times to join Amway. I kinda have a bad impression on MLMs in general. Doubt this one will be any different. What r ur takes on MLM?
Can anyone send me a link to a free online translation of Chapter 3 of the book "Antes de Ser Libres"?
The book is by the author Julia Alvarez. The entire translation would be appreciated, but just Chapter 3 would be fine as well!
Corset or body shaper for a mermaid dress?
If that is you in the picture, omg you looked amazing in that gown! The $38 for the shaper is really not bad. Infact that may be the best deal you find for a good quality shaper. I got one at walmart and I don't recommend it. It was cheaply made, not breathable whatsoever and I basically disowned it after about 3 times of wearing it because it was so itchy. I have a shaper I got from davids bridal I paid $50 for and I love it. It is soft and much more breathable. But it is not that style it is just a bra and smooths your tummy. I am not sure if the style of smoother in the picture would be the right style necessarily. It could work, but personally I don't have any experience with that style, maybe a longer one. I think they make some a little longer than that. You may want to bring your gown to Penny's and try it on with the shaper in the dressing room. Hope this helped.
Help me to go usa.?
Right now the priority cut off date for F2a petitions is 15 December 2002. That means that only those petitions filed in that category on or before that date are now valid for use to immigrate into the US. So, until your priority date is reached in the Visa Bulletin, which changes from month to month, you aren't eligible to go. As the message says, you and your petitioner, your father I suppose will be notified by the NVC when it is close to being ready. You can check your priority date against the Visa Bulletin each month on your own, if you like at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
How do I send an email w/ the suffix w/o getting it returned?
A friend I met over the summer gave me their email address ( for example), but it keeps getting returned as "unrecognized host. My friend also has the same problem sending emails to me ( What can I do to solve this problem? Pur phone bills are getting pretty expensive!
What are some creative ways to present about "The Feminine Mystique" (the feminist movement)? NO powerpoint.?
I am doing a research project on the book "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan and I need to present this to the cl with a visual aid about talk about the feminist movement and things like that. We are not allowed to use powerpoint though and it must be very creative.
Boys come natural y dont they anymore?
Well like I go through guys like a month at a time cuz im young only 13 & the last guy I liked was y and popular. He was never my boyfriend but do u think that screwed up my love life. Other guys still like me but I cant like anyone. What do u think happened? Im not turning lez or bi. I know that.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Help with buying a guitar on a tight budget.?
Hi, I'm going to be buying my very first guitar this week and was wondering what type of guitar I should get for around 120$. I was thinking of getting an acoustic for a more natural sound, and not having to have an amp, but i've heard that the cheap acoustics around my price have pretty bad sound quality and are pretty much crap. So should I get an electric instead, as I have heard they are easier to play, and I have small hands. I'm looking to play metal, alternative rock, some old country, and clical rock. Is it possible to get a decent electric guitar with an amp for around 100-120 bucks?
Songs for playlists.?
really good songs from nsync are gone, if im not the one you want, bye bye bye, its gonna be me, it makes me ill, just the two of us. i really like the songs two become one and say youll be there by spice girls. good dance songs are dance like theres no tomorrow by paula abdul, just dance by lady gaga, and starstruck by lady gaga.
Waht are the hottest items sold at a gas station?
There are always gizmos, gadgets, new things, and just plain crazy items selling at local gas stations of all kinds. Can anyone tell me the hottest items in your local gas stations?
Christians: Maybe you are saved from the rapture tomorrow but how are you ensuring your pets are looked after?
wont they evolve into intelligant ones like planet of the apes....oh wait christians are too retarded to believe in evolution
HP Restore disc for Windows XP?
Yes it is completely legal. As long as you have a COA for every computer, you'll be ok. Just make sure to activate each computer with windows after each restore.
Does anyone have an mp3 of the Phineas and Ferb song Gitchi Gitchi Goo?
My 5 year old loves this song, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. If anyone knows where I can get it or has a copy please let me know. Thanks!!!
How to get out of the Army?
I know what your thinking.... It's just another pos that can't handle military life and wants to bail out on his signed contract. Well in some cases you might be right, but in my case I would put it a tad bit differently. I joined the army mid july of 08, I didn't join because I wanted to serve my country, or because I was hard out for a steady paycheck, no I joined for a couple reasons. One because I've done everything I can with my extent of construction trades, and I wanted to see what else I could do with my knowledge and my hard working ethics. Two, because I wanted to get funding from the army so I could get a degree. And pretty much I was tired of the regular nine to five. So anyways, like has been said before things did not work out as planned. Yes, basic was fun and a struggle for me cause my cardio sucked. When I got to my duty station everything went down hill from there. No need to get into all the fine details but The army has hurt me more than me benefiting from it. I now have a hurt back so I'm on profile for it. I get looked at like a piece of **** because i can't do much physically for pt. I get no support from my nco's or my chain of command. My platoon sgt has it out for me. I failed my ua for thc (41 ngs) so I have thus been demoted and pay taken and yes of course i did my 45/45 and now I'm just floating around just being where I'm suppose to be at the right time in the right uniform. But that's not enough! I now have two children a wife and a dog, and a lot better things to do than to be treated like a ten year old when I am a grown a$$ man with more real world experience working than half of my comm rads. Well anyways, no it doesn't seem like they are kicking me out for the pot. I'm trying a few more things like the fat boy chapter and psychological trouble (wink..wink). well I'm just looking for different was that might be easier for me cause I don't want to put any more hard ache on my family or my wallet. please give real advice not telling me I should stay in. I already have a job waiting for me.
Sew in hair extensions?
i hate my natural hair as its short and DONT want clip in extensions cause find them annoying and cant be botherd with clipping them in and out every 5 mins and dont want glue in so was thinking about sew in?? are tese really damaging as i dont want somethin thats going to proper reck my hair and was wondering if these are ok as i have heard very mixed response on them? also how long can you have them in for? i really wnat long hair withough clip in or major damaging my hair plase help!!
How is this workout?
If you do this everyday then you will end up being the next Vin diesel.Do you have a personel trainer or something?
I have some pretty bad acne on my there any way I can lose it by my date in 3 days' time?
Stress can cause acne, but (and it doesn't always fade away with age) some people just have it. Either way, I would recommend using Nutregena cleansing pads. It is a small, round plastic container, and you can get it at Target, Meijer, Walmart...for about $6-7. It can make a difference for me in a day or two if I get a break-out. I would also suggest getting an on-the-spot acne cream to apply to all your problem areas.
Who's fault was it that cuauhtemoc blanco wasn't in the 2006 mundial?
Ricardo Lavolpe never really liked Temo, especially after Temo scored a goal and did his "peeing dog" celebration in front of Lavolpe as a way of making fun of him, so Lavolpe left him out of the 23 man roster for the 2006 WC.
What Should I Run For The 5K?
xc season is just around the corner. my stats are i am 15 years old and i can run a very very hilly 7.2 miler at about 6:43 pace and the last mile in about 5:57 this to me is like a medium/hard run. What times should i expect to run during xc season thank you for the answers. please dont say 18:30+ ive ran those times be4 when i was running 3 miles a day and btw now i run about 7.5 miles a day with 1 day off every week for summer base building xc.
Where to get mini stuffed animal BACKPACKS?
i would try ebay, they have everything. Or like the childrens/ toys isle in walmart or kmart or something. You may be able to find something in the baby's isle also
Hey people, what do you think of virginity?
how will u feel if u find out that your gal is still a virgin? would it be a big deal, or it just doesnt matter to you either ways--meaning whether she's a fricking virgin or otherwise. i just wanna know if virginity is still an issue to the modern times, and what guys think about it (will it offend u knowing that she never had any experience and thus kinda ignorant in bed or would u cherish her more or whatever feelings u might, well, feel?) and girls, how about finding out that ur guy is a virgin? will it be a major turn-off or exciting (i mean, u'r a first! u gotta instruct him what to do in bed!)? hehe...please answer honestly, all right?
Keyboard problem on Sony Vaio PCG-K23 laptop?
Whenever I attempt to use the laptop, it seems like the CTRL key is stuck down--not manually, but somehow internally. Right-click is the only way to do any functions, but even still, the laptop is barely useable. What can I do to fix this? Do I need to get a new keyboard, and if so, is it very difficult to install?
Weird conversation with a girl! Help!?
I bought a jacket online, but it didn't fit so i went to the store and got store credit to find a perfect sizes. The cashier was a beautiful girl around 18. I gave her the jacket to get store credit. Later on around 30 minutes i was up in line and ended up with her again, but this time it was only me, her and a co-worker. A few seconds (around 30) the co-worker said "Isn't that the guy you were talking about early?" I got super red while she got red too. Don't know if she used her friend as a wingman? Any suggestions?
Do the Capitalist wanna be's care enough about this country to see it through these next 7 yrs. with growth an?
d prosperity the best it can be, although it may not be perfect. Or tear this country apart from every direction just so they can reelect the Capitalist way of voting? even though its not perfect we still have life better than rest of the world.
What does this mean spanish to english?
When you feel sad and it looks like you are at the end of the road, stop yourself because God will give you the strength to continue.
Should one interfere in neighbourhood domestic problems? ?
We have a couple in our neighbourhood who are incompatible and they expect us every time to patch up their differences. Its violent relationship because its an inter caste marriage. Is it prudent on our part to interfere as the lady always seeks our advice and help. Sincere and expert advice is sought.
Does he like me??? plz helpppp!!!! mixed signals?
hmmm not sure... i guess you could always try and talk to him and see if he responds.. i used to that when i was in school.. then you'll know for sure.
Whats a good technique to spike your hair straight? (not super perfectly straight)?
Hello, I am a hairstylist. I suggest using hair concrete or hair glue. Bead Head makes products especially for short hair. I like the manipulator and the mastermind. Hard to Get texturing paste should work well too. Just go to there store and look at all of the Bed Head products and read what they do and see which one will be best for your hair.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Inappropriate ads on Facebook?
most of the time the ads on facebook are generated by statistics gathered by marketing companies based on your internet activities this may or may not be the case with the ads you are seeing, however regardless of that the ads (although displayed on there site) are not controlled by facebook, i think you will find that in order to be convicted under the statues you are referringg to under US and UK federal law you must prove that facebook was negligentt (ie did not perform a action that a reasonable company would have done to prevent access to the content)
Meniscus tear at posterior root- trim out or removal?
I have a medial meniscal tear at the posterior root and significant runner's knee issues. I am a 56 year old female. I am in the process of setting up surgery. One surgeon speaks of removal of the meniscus while another speaks of trim out. What is the difference for me and how do I choose the procedure which will give me the best results? Is it possible to actually see and evaluate the full extent of the damaged cartilage on the MRI?
Ok computer guru's question.?
ok computer guru's question.i know you can change the names of hard disk partition as well as removable drives etc.what i am curious about is what are the drives with the name a and b? cause im pretty sure you cant use those letters.i am thinking 1 is the cya plan by microsoft and only accessible by microsoft. what are they?
True or false can you help?
the stator winding in a typical alternator produce three-phase alternating current that is rectified using a diode bridge
Oblivion level messed up?
i was doing the level in oblivion in the Imperial city where the guy was stealing things from graves and selling them to the copious coin purse guy and i attacked the guy then a guard came and took me to jail and now i cant get back in the tomb what do i do???
Will it help to plan out my meals?
i eat compulsively lastely. i haven't seeken professional help just yet because it hasnt gotten too out of hand, like im not at any kind of health risk so im trying to handle this myself. i believe i can do it. will writing out what to eat everyday help me? are there any suggestions to overcoming the start to this binge eating disorder?
I've never been on a plane, what's it like?
I've never been on a plane and i just want to know how the takeoff is because some of my friends say its like a roller coaster. (i hate roller coasters)
Is it true that you can't spoil a baby by holding him/her?
I remember reading somewhere that you can't spoil a baby by holding him/her too much, that this was a very old myth. It seems that my month old newborn only sleep soundly while I'm holding him or he's lying next to me in bed. Is this normal, natural or having I been cuddling him to much already? Right now its fine, I just don't want to have to hold him/sleep with him all the time to keep him asleep in the future.
What is your favourite vegetarian meal?
That is awesome that you are becoming a vegetarian! I have been one for five years now! I am not very good with my diet and it is harder because I live in a small town in WY. But there is a lot of food out there that you can make without meat. Also there is this product called morning star (you can find it at albertson's and wal-mart). It is fake meat and it is really good. You can also get fake beef and make sloppy joes and lasagna. Also you should get a vegetarian cookbook, they have a lot of neat recipes! Good luck!
Forum suggestions? For my ... forum? xD?
Well you have probably done yourself a favour my asking this question as many people who use Yahoo Answers will probably look at your forum now! I have a website (with a forum) and ive found that the best way is to advertise your site on Youtube, Yahoo Answers, Facebook etc. Promote your forum by showing what it does and what the users could get from using your forum. The most popular forums are ones within website that user can get something from i.e mine is a "watch online" site. If users get something from goign onto your site they may sign up. Hope this helps!!!
Muslim - Christian Wedding? Rings, Reception, Ceremony?
I'm christian and my boyfriend is muslim from Senegal. Marriage has been a hot topic between us lately and he's mentioned he wants to marry me. He's mentioned more than once, "we don't wear rings", said he wouldn't wear a ring. I want a ring. Every girl wants a ring and an engagement ring. Is this permissable? I don't want to compromise all of me. There has to be some balance and compromise, but not where I lose myself or my identity. Can he get me a ring? Also, Is it appropriate to have both a muslim and christian ceremony or two separate? What day would be our recognized day? the day of the muslim ceremony or the christian. What are the dos and donts of the christian ceremony other than not having alcohol? I want some alcohol at the reception and some dancing do we pull this off without anyone being offended? I don't want to get married in a church but would like to have a traditional wedding. I'm ok with muslim ceremony. He and his family are very liberal
How can i shave my face better?
for the police academy we have to shave our face and neck every morning that we have cl that day (5 to 6 days a week). we also have to before physical training so that means shave twice a day on mondays and thursdays. I currently use a gillette sensor 3-blade excel and burt's bee's shaving cream and aftershave. basically how can i prevent razor burns. do you shave down on your face and up on your neck as i have been doing?
I have developed a time machine, where should i go?
i've successfully created a time machine that ACTUALLY works. its a bulletproof idea. I put time crystals inside of a clock then smashed it with a hammer, thus creating a sonic boom that ripped a hole in the spacetime continuim. ( for those of you who believe that a sonic boom cannt tear a hole in space, i reure you that i have amplified the waves with gravity and lasers). i then captures timetrons(time particles) in a cup then placed them on a working cup. i was then able to travel to any time period, just to make sure that it worked, i went to 1776 and helped George Washington defeat the muslims. where else should i go to change history?
Help with making a PSA video about street racing?
Hi... i need to make a video for health cl about street racing and why its deadly and i need abunch of facts and stuff, does anybody know where i can get facts about teens and street racing? also whats a good movie making progam besides windows movie maker?..thanks
Bittorrent no incoming connections?
Well, for the last three or four torrents I've tried to download, there were between 39 and 500 possible seeders, (in the parenthesis), but I cannot seem to get any seeds nor activity. I can, however, upload and download torrent's I've already used; the one torrent that is downloading has slowed to a crawl though. It has dropped to between .1 and 2kb/s, down from 138+, and the number of seeders has remained constant. This is when I started getting red and orange symbols next to my total download speed, and it is now sitting on the orange 'no incoming connections'. It's been like this for a few days now, and it is POSSIBLE that the router was changed, but I didn't notice anyone messing with it. I don't want to bring this up with the parents however, as the techie that maintains the local network, (the daddy), has an agenda about p2p sharing, (my sister has managed to bring down her comp and almost infect the entire server several times through her lack of being computer savvy. (it's savvy, not sawy)), and I imagine I'd just be walking up to be chewed up and ignored in a patronizing way. Anywho, the port it currently uses in pref/connections is 57426, and first that's an awfully high number from what I've just read. Second, would opening an extra port in the firewall and setting bittorrent to use it, (lets say 6881), fix the problem or not? I think I've got a NAT system because we have 5 computers in the house that all share the same cable connection, but I'm no expert in hardware and therefore I really don't have a clue. Input?
Best microphone for loud live music?
I'm looking to begin filming live shows, mostly loud music like metal, and punk. I'm looking for a good microphone to use with my Panasonic HDC-HS700K. Is the Rode VideoMic mounted shotgun a good option or would I be better off using a digital recorder (Like the Zoom H2 or H4n) and syncing the audio in post? thanks
Was he flirting with me?
Hi I'm Kandi and I'm 18 :) I was walking through the mall yesterday when a guy said " mmm Do you like cream in your coffee". I'm black and he was white if it matters. Also did it mean something ual?
All i can ask is what the he** happened my picture is gone my 360 profile is gone so wth happened?
you know this really $uck$. i dont have time for this bullshit. has it ever happened to you and wth can you do to fix it?
Complication with central line placement PICC Lung Esophagus?
To make a very long story short. My friend went to surgery, and had a central line placed. I am not sure if they did an CXR or if it is even mandatory to do so, to check placement? They did surgery for at least 2 hours and during this time her lungs and heart became fluid filled and they had to stop the sugery when she went into cardiac arrest. They later told us that the line had went thru her esophagus and into her lungs. They gave her 8 liters of fluids and who knows what else but, the fluid filled her lungs causing her heart to get squeezed and stop beating. They brought her back and was put on a ventilator. I know aboi\ut the risk for the lungs, but has anyone ever heard of a line going thru an esophagus?? ANY AND ALL INFO ON ANY OF THIS WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!! Thanks
She want my number or something?
a cute girl and her friend were sitting in the dugout to the left I was umping. I noticed right away she was checking me out like twice from the dugout. after it was over her friend left and she was just standing thier. I walked away and I turned around to look at her like 2 or 3 times over my shoulder and everytime she was looking right at me. her friend came back and I galanced back again and both were looking at me.
Thirteenth birthday party ideas for a girl?!?!?!?
you need to get an idea about birthday so you don't worried about that you go to first a href="" rel="nofollow" and i hope you will get a better idea
Am I In A Whipped Relationship With My Girlfriend?
Alright so I am asking this because of what my friends are saying about my relationship with my girlfriend. I feel very much in love with my girlfriend and I am constantly hearing things from my friends. We have been together for two years and I only seem to be happy when I am with her. We are both college students (at different schools) and when I have any spare time, I am with her. I always do things like surprise her with flowers, even helping her with the upkeep of her horse. The other night she was studying in the library for her exam the next morning and she was really stressed. So I went and picked up her favorite coffee and brought it to her in the library and I stayed and helped quiz her and gave her a foot mage. She seemed so happy that I came to be with her that she posted it on Facebook of how thoughtful I am. Well my friends saw it and now I am getting grilled by my friends that I am p*ssy whipped and she has my on a leash. It’s getting to the point where I just want to end the friendship with them because I can’t take it anymore. Am I really in a whipped relationship?
People of politics is this a noble job/goal?
One of the best things the USA has ever done is set aside large areas of unspoiled land for parks and wildlife refuge. I applaud your choice to be a part of it.
Vibram Five Fingers?!?
I cant decide between the KSO,clic and sprints. Though im kind of leaning towards the Sprints.Also are vffs as great as they say?
Urgent! What should I do if I eat too much Vitamins???
call poison control. tell them your situation and theyll tell you what to do. but do not tell them that you thought your heart was racing unless they ask. cause you could be just siking yourself out
Is there really such a thing as true love between and man and a woman?
I don't think so. Otherwise why would there be so many divorces, this supposedly undying love turning from 'love' to hate overnight, lying to their spouse, cheating etc. Over the years people can learn to admire, respect, have faith in, want to be faithful, be comfortable with, become attached to their spouse and routine out of habit, but love? I'm talking about the kind that songs, movies and poetry are made of. Hmmm! In the beginning I think it is no more than intensified lust.
Can someone name this clic movie about a girls school?
I seen a movie some years back that intrigued me and Im trying to find out what it is called. It is an older clic movie, Im guessing 50's or 60's. From what I remember it is about a group of girls-especcially one who is very pretty and one who is very plain- and it goes through several years of them growing up. their head mistress or teacher guides them in etiquette and all kinds of cles, including art in which she has obviously had some kind of relationship with the man artist teaching the cl, but it is over. She relates to the pretty blonde girl and is constantly projecting the expectations onto her and grooming her(suggesting that the artist paint the girls picture, as he had done for her) ect, ect. In the end the plain girl ends up being rebellious and SHE ends up with the artist and rubs it in the headmistresses face for underestimating her. ofcourse the lady and the artist still have something going- the girl is pissed that all of his paintings look like the teacher. anyway it was pretty good back then- and i only caught the last half of it. wanted to see it again if anyone knows what the heck im talking about
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Is it illegal to cook food in a bowling alley parking lot?
My friends and I shuck corn together every Friday as a silly tradition. They're starting a deal at the bowling alley so that if you show up before 5 you get a discount. This would cut into our corn shucking. Can we do both by quickly shucking and cooking our corn in the parking lot??
99 civic misfire on cylinders 2 and 4 CEL Blinking?
It could be anything honestly. My opinion on this: It sounds like you may need to replace your Cylinder Head Gasket. Its possible from the oil burning your gasket is shot. If not replaced eventually you could leak antifreeze into your cylinders. The though crossed my mind that if you put the spark plug cables back in the wrong order that will definitely make your car sound like a WRX STI. Your problem has to be one of these. Im willing to bet its the Gasket. You Have an Si so I would go with copper. They are usually the best way to go on a performance engine. Hope it works out for you.
Can you use a fire detector to make hamburgers or french fries?
Me and my friend are starving and are craving slinky's, but people said those would kill us if we ate them, so we want hamburgers, but my mom said we couldn't use the stove, microwave, grill, or toaster. Then I looked up and saw the fire detector and got the idea to make hamburgers with the fire detector. Is this going to work. Will I be able to make hamburgers with a fire detector
Is'nt it quite clear that cristiano ronaldo is the best football player ever lived?
hez the most complete football player of all time, name something about his game u can actually fault?......... and i belive his overall game is definately more complete than that of lionel messiz.....
Chicken and Waffles with Gravy?
I've never seen it but I immediately think of a pot pie-they usually have onions, celery, potatoes and carrots baked in. It sounds good, but I would definitely add some veggies to the mix rather than another simple carbohydrate, although when I was a child and my dad was poor, we would have pot pies served on rice as a cheap meal.
What is the problem with my thyroid gland?
I have been experiencing chest pain, anxiety, palpatations, episodes of breathlessness/lightheadedness, numbness in localised areas on my arm and head. I have been to the dr and hospital, had numerous ECG's and recently had a blood test that came back fine apart from the need to test my thyroid again in a month. Why do they need to test it again? what does my thyroid do to make me have these symptoms? how can it be treated?
Pop/Rap Song Question?
I was listenin to my cousin's ipod the other day in her car and a song came on that i really liked. It was a girl singing about getting drunk or f*cked up and I think it was autotuned..any suggestions as to what it could be? thanks! It could be older or new, i'm not sure
How long do I have to get a UVB lamp?
okay my boyfriend got me an aquatic turtle for my birthday with a baskin lamp but I've come to the cnclusion that I need a UVB e emmiting lamp as well. so how long do I have to get the UVB lamp before my turtle starts gettin sick :(
What colour silkies chicks would i get?
i have 4 silkies chooks 2 white 1 partridge and gray with a white fleck in it at this point i think the white ones and the partridge are hens and the gray one is a rooster what colour chicks would i get if i breed the white hens with the gray rooster and the partridge with they gray rooster ?? also if the rooster is a bluey gray colour with whit throw it what colour is it ?? is it a splash??
Kubota B2150 4wd vs. FarmPro 2420 2wd - Opinions Please? - What Tractor Should I get?
I have no knowledge on the Farmpro.but Kubota I do know. 1800 hours is nothing to worry about,they are built to last,, a garden tractor must be 4 wheel drive in my opinion, if you buy the Kubota, before starting it, change the oil, oil filter, fuel filters and the air filters, should run smoke free
I am having a difficult time making a fist. What could this be due to?
My job is that of a dockworker. I drive a forklift and do a lot of heavy lifting. I've been doing it for a few months. Just this past week, I've noticed that I've been having a very hard time clenching my fist or gripping things in my left hand. My muscles are sore and my joints pop, but regardless of the pain, I just can't seem to make a fist unless I work it a little, and I can't press with the amount of pressure that I normally can to hold and carry things. Any ideas of what this could be?
My faith - am i alone?
I grew up in a Christian home and was always confused, but during my early teen years I was sort of a rebel. After messing up bad, I was so down, I started going to church and studying the Bible then it all made sense to me. I think you're just confused, but you need to really study the Bible (KJV). It's amazing how a book was preserved for over 2,000 yrs.! I truly believe in the Bible with all my heart, and to me faith is more of an act of obedience.
For halloween, how should i do my hair?
I am going to be a little girl for halloween. I am going to wear my p.j's and have one of those big swirly suckers. i was thinking of putting my hair up in high pigtails to make me look like im little. But what do u guys think???? (i dont want to spray paint it)
Can a menstrual last only 2 to 3 minutes or is it Implantation.?
ok i went to the doc for a preg test on Jan 5thwhich was negative.a few minutes befor i took the test i went to use the bathroom to give urine and noticed dark watery blood it only was only when i wiped.after that nothing took a blood test the same day hcg level was 1 did i test too early could the bleedin have been implantation my period is due tomorrow Jan 8th i believe i ovulated Dec bleeding bessides the one time at the doc but i have wierd cramps off and on now...not like af i dont usually cramp befor af or when i start i usually cramp 4days into af.
Please help me: My boyfriend was abusive but said I was the aggressor and had a knife, I need help PLEASE!!?
My boyfriend and I got into an argument and it got physical. He held me down, shook me, threw me into the back of our sofa (i cracked my head on the support board on the back), took my car keys and phone and wouldn't let me leave. I tried to look for an emergency 911 link to the local police dept. (its in my browsing history. I also have photographs of the bruises and the cops took some as well. While we were arguing and after he already had my phone he pushed me against the wall again and i punched him in the face and kneed him in the . He then ran to the bathroom and called the cops yelling, "she has a knife and is going to stab me" to the 911 operator. I tried yelling through the bathroom door that he has my keys and phone that he was beating on me but he turned on the bathroom fan to try and drown out my voice. I heard him say at another point that there were guns in the house (HIS hunting rifles) and that I was on my way trying to get to them so for the cops to please hurry because i was going to shoot him, The cop came and took me in< they took my statement but it was completely different than what i said and i wouldnt sign it. No one will hear my part of the story or take a statement. (ive been to the local police dpt 2x since ive been released and they have literally refused to take my statement.) I have spoken to a public defender but they have given me no insight on how to prepare for my final order of protection hearing that is scheduled tomorrow. what can i expect and what can i do to prepare? Does anyone have any other info that can help me with this case because i feel like i am not getting any help as a victim myself. Also i would like to note that there was NEVER any knife or gun or even talk of any on my end and he was actually locked (by his own accord) in the bathroom when he was saying all of this. Also will this hearing allow me to go get my things from the house? I went with a cop and the cop got a few things that my ex gave him for me but it was things like flip flops and swimsuits and clothes for donation and a mattress pad and other bs like this but i need my real clothes. Also important to note that i DID mess up and text him AFTER the temporary order was filed, I texted him only about if i could take our dogs out for the day but i know it was still a violation so how bad will that be for me?
Opinions on the names I'm thinking about.?
I love Alyssa Mae! It's so adorable, not too common and flows brilliantly! I like Leo but im not sure about Connor.. its still pretty nice though!
Why have the Kurds been denied an independent homeland?
The Kurds form a distinct people with their own language and culture, They number more than 20 million people in the Middle East ,Turkey and Iran yet up to now they've been denied an independent homeland and very few people and no countries campaign on their behalf. Why are they so neglected internationally ?
Do The Judeo Christian Traditions of The Constitution Limit Marriage to A Union Between a Man & ...?
Do The Judeo Christian Tradtions of The Constitution Limit Marriage to A Union Between a Man and His Farm Animals ???
Is there something wrong with LG Blu-Ray players?
LG makes good Laundry machines, they are ok as far as TVs go, but that is as far as it goes. I install systems in houses and very rarely do we install LG TVs but none of my clients have an LG Blu Ray player. The best on the market are Sony and Panasonic. Even Samsung, who claim they had helped develop Blu Ray (which is BS) everyone knows its the work of Sony....anyway When a Blu Ray player leaves the manufacture, it has the latest firmware available but if that particular machine was shipped out before the next firmware update was installed then it only has the latest update possible. A machine that has the same model number but was embled later may have the newer update...but from what you described, it sound like a manufacturing defect not a firmware issue. But then again, knowing LG it could have been. The only known title to date that required a firmware update on just about all machines (except some, if not all of Sonys) was Avatar.
Old elegance look for outfits?
I'm trying to pull together an old elegance look like from the '50s or '20s but I have no idea where to buy the clothing from. Does anybody know where I can buy from and links and places for me? Pleaseeee .
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Men and women has this ever happened to you - what the hell do you call it?
Experience has taught me that if God wants you to to be together, you are both going to be totally in love. If not, you are not going to feel it. Even if everything else seems right. And makes it seem like you are closer, when emotionally you are not. If it hasn't happened by now, it probably won't. He may not be the one God has prepared for you.
Please somebody help me...i am feeling too much broken...i need an urgent help to save my relationship.?
I know you feel you love him, but you're young and chances are, there are plenty more good fish in the sea. Talk to him, tell him that his family's oppressing you and him as well, and if he refuses to accept that, then it's time to move on. Good luck.
Question about the Shakespeare play; Titus Andronicus?
What happens to Titus at the end of Titus Andronicus? Do you think the character is justified by his actions throughout the play?
Help with us history test. PLEASE.?
If you are taking a history test and can have access to the web, why don't you just Google the topics and you can find the answer yourself instead of relying on a bunch of strangers who may or may not know the answer. Or why don't you get your history book and cl notes out? Or better yet, why don't you pay attention in cl, read your text, study and do your homework so you would know the answers?
A poem that I actually wrote on paper- will you comment about this one, and critique if you care to?
Really good. Your synthax is good. Your rhythm is like bo bo dum dum dum. It goes with flow. There's always room for improvement, but that's pretty good.
Why does he treat his girlfriends like this?
I agree with the first one. It's not your business. I think it's great that you care about him. But he will eventually figure it out. It takes some people longer than others. All you can do is be there for him in the hard times, and give your opinion IF he asks.
Who is the favourite (according to the bookies) to win celebrity big brother?
I have looked on a couple of the bookies web pages but don't understand how this whole odds thing works when the second figure is not 1 eg 27 - 24
Any scientologists here? also non-scientologists, what do you think of them?
i personally think they are nutters, but im atheist so im not contradicting myself like a christian or a muslim would if he/her were to question their beliefs.... you know what im saying?
Why does my dog like to chew on sticks?
My dog is a 1-yr-old fox terrier, and she is a power-chewer. We keep her stocked with rawhide bones, and she loves them (entertainment for hours), and she also has lots of toys, but nothing seems to beat a good stick from the backyard. She always wants to bring sticks inside, and on occasion has snuck them in and made a huge mess all over the couch or floor. Why is she doing this?
Room idea's for a teen age girl?
My room is big and pink.But like a little girl pink. I cant repaint it. So how can i make it more "teen ager" stlye?
Is there a way to make the text on Windows a bit softer? Almost...more shadowy I guess?
I had a friend who was able to do this with my laptop a few years back. He was able to go into the settings and make the text a bit different...I have no idea how to do this. It just made the text seem less sharp, if that makes any sense.
Do you think this is a non-practical instance of collecting Child Support arrearage?
This is typical.. if u recieve state istance, they will go after the non-custodial parent to have to pay for that state istance.. its not actually "free" .. and although he may not of had the means to pay child support back then that doesnt excuse him from not paying.. so although he didnt have the money or a job what they would do is it would compile , until he did get a job and then they would "take" the money that is owed to the state for all the time that they gave u istance.. what i suggest u do is perhaps have it audited to find an "exact" amount owed and u both just pay it off as fast as u can.. also try and figure out how much you were given for what months and make sure they are not over charging.. but again this is Typical.. this isnt anything new.. my aunt had to go on istance for years because her dead beat of a x husband didnt pay childsupport, years later (all kids were well over 18) the state went after her x husband and made him pay back the state, and then what ever was left over went to my aunt .. the state doesnt care that u've had hard times, they dont care why you didnt have a job, they dont care that u have bills, the fact is if they are owed money they arent going to wait for you to get around to paying them back, they are going to take it.. this is unfortunate but the state doesnt view "gifts" as child support and ur bf should of paid through the state years ago instead of giving what he did directly to u ..and during the time u were not living together he is obligated to pay what he owed in support.. its as if the state "loaned" him the money to take care of his kids financially and now he has to pay them back for that loan..
Atheists, is the Bible correct as far as science is concerned? The earth is a sphere, without any support.?
Rizwan, you're kind of like someone who insists on speaking Klingon even though everyone else is speaking Esperanto. Sigh....Then again, you're just speaking Klingon and there are plenty of people speaking Esperanto but killing each other with batlathes. So my hat is off to you.
I did 35mph and saw the truvello speed camera facing my direction on the opposite side of the road, but braked?
relax, i have been front flashed loads of times, unless there are lines on your side of the road there is no way to LEGALLY get your speed if anything comes back just accuse the camera of having a fault and they have nowhere to go with it
I want to spend christmas away?
Every year we spend Christmas being dictated by everyone else, my mother in law always wants to tell us what to do, my husbands ex wife wants us to have my hubbys son for xmas till the 27th so she can be single, and my parents are always abandoned by my brother and sister so i always have them here because i care about them and dont want them being alone...but in the 9yrs we have been together we have never spent time alone as a family, we have 2 sons aged 6 and 2 and it always feels like we run around like headless chickens keeping everyone else happy but even when we ask, no one will ever return the favour.....i love christmas so much but i dread the stress and hle it causes trying to keep other family members happy...please help and please dont be mean xx
BREAKING NEWS: Girardi just announced he is prepping Joba to become a starter!?
Just now on the Yankee postgame interview on YES, Joe Girardi said that Joba will be getting more work in the bullpen to prepare Joba Chamberlain to become a starter. What are your thoughts on this? Should they send him to AAA to get some starts?
Good things to do with 7 mos old?
I take my daughter for walks..she plays in her Jumparoo and she loves me reading to her. Also she gives me kisses...shes 5 months old....sometimes we take a blankie outside and play in the front yard,....People are all the time walking by giving her attention and she just smiles at them....she loves the outside..and the other day it was real warm so we blowed this lil tiny baby pool up and let her play in the pool....
Cheap Wedding Dresses in the Sarasota area?
Does anyone know where I can get a cheap wedding dress in the sarasota/bradenton area? I'm even open to a used wedding boutique.
Is it illegal for a doctor to tell you over the phone that you are going to die?
Recently a doctor's office called my aunt and told her over the phone that she had incurable cancer and only had 6-12 months to live. Is that legal?
What kind of pen used in calligraphy?
you can buy a set of calligraphy pens quite cheaply at any good stationers they come as a fountain pen with a set of different nibs mostly wide so that you can vary your stroke - You can however tape two sharpened pencils together to get the same effect and that way you can rub out mistakes and try again - its also good as you can go over the lines you want in any pen and use the space in between for decoration of filling in with another colour of just black - Try buying some coloured art inks as they are very nice almost transparent
Help with multiple choice science study guide?
You'll be able to get much better and infinitely more helpful answers wre you to post this in the Homework Help section
Where can i find these necklaces?
you should try asking her!!! but i found this place call and you can buy them from her!!! and she can make it any size and any color for $15 bucks!!! hope this helps!!!
Cutest way to spell my baby's name!?
i like malakai it is a beautiful name i considered calling my son that..malakai is also a beautiful crystal..
I NEED help. I have to come up with a new title for "Drivers yakking or texting may see new limits"?
Its a school ignment where I have to come up with a new headline for "Drivers yakking or texting may see new limits."
Bullfrog or Spring Peeper tadpoles?
I found these ggs in the swamp and I hatched them the tadpoles are growing rapiddly and I don't know what kind they are!!!!
Would you want to see the Beatles and the Who (the Whotles)?
I would hope that I never hear the name of The Beatles or any of their names again. I truly believe that they are the most overrated rock band in music history. As far as The Who is concerned, I wouldn't mind hearing a mash-up album of some of their work by someone like Danger Mouse or MF Doom.
How do I rig my 12v SureFire HellFighter to work on my MRAP's 24v system? ?
you need a 2:1 transformer ask someone in the electrical dept. god bless be safe and thanx for your sacrifice
What do you think of this dress for prom?
I think its a nice dress, cute shape and really lovely colour which makes it look a little more elegent and posh. In ways i can see how it would look less formal for a prom. but at the same time you could make it look brilliant with the other things you wear and how you do your hair make up etc. I think it would be nice to wear it at prom as its cute and girly and shows that prom can be fun and does not have to be super posh and formal!
Why can't global warming deniers make up their minds?
There was a cooling cycle in the 70's and a warming cycle in the 80's and again a cooling cycle since 1998. It's the climate that won't make up it's mind!
Novel Help, A few questions that need answered by you!?
could be interesting if the plot and main charachters are strong. Take out wizards, vampires, and werewolves and research different types of mythology and use creatures from those stories instead
Can a hypothyroid patient safety use Apple Cider Vinegar?
My friend is on Bragg's unpasteurized ACV with "Mother" for weight loss. Is that safe for hypothyroid patients on thyroid replacement therapy? She takes a shot gl every few hours during the day.
What is the most recent book you've read that bored you?
For me it would be Tracy Chevalier "Burning Bright" - I thought it would be interesting and great, but it turned out to be tosh and boring.
Why do some quests not work properly in World of Warcraft?
Basically im a night elf and i tried to complete a quest where i had to meet dentaria silverglade and i went to the marked location and she wasnt there! All i saw was a striped nightsaber and also i tried another quest where i had to use arcane missilees on two training dummies, i did it on 8 and still it says 0. This is getting really annoying, please help.
What to wear to a house party?
well. . . it doesn't seem like a very cute outfit when you combine them all together. i think it's the blue sweater that kills it. lose the sweater.
My 2 month old boxer wont eat and vomits all whats hes eaten before...?
he ate yesterday but today he has puked everything he ate yesterday and has been kinda depresed, at least not playfull at all,,, he hasnt eaten since then and he doesnt even want to drink water....what can i do please help im am very worried...
In any1's opinion who was the hottest chick(s) power ranger from the first up til dinothunder?
I liked: Kimberly the pink ranger, Ashley the yellow ranger, Cie the pink ranger, Karone the second pink ranger, Mya the yellow ranger, dana the pink ranger, Taylor and the white ranger, and Tori, and the other girl from dinothunder
Three variables for colors, I can only think of two?
The electronics required to produce a color can't produce just any chosen frequency; instead computer monitors produce red, green, and blue light at varying intensities (according to the values in an RGB color code). Equipment can differentiate yellow light from a mix of red and green, but your perception of the yellow and the red/green mix would be the same.
Friday, August 12, 2011
What are some fun things I can do in Catalina Island?
What are some fun things I can do in Catalina Island besides the stuff in I'm going there on Sunday and was thinking if there are any fun activities that doesn't require any money. Thank you
Getting rid of cavities?
No they will not go away with anything you can do by yourself. Yes if they are very small they may be able to be filled without the shot and by just using laughing gas. Ask the dentist. Tend to them as soon as possible while they are small.
How many people think...?
Think that Horatio caine from CSI:Miami is going to get revenge for Marisol Delko Caine's murder? If not, do you think Eric will?
Old love wants me to relocate to where he is to pursue relationship?
I am really in love and want to rekindle a relationship with my first love. The problem is he is not very stable, lives in another state(four hours away) and currently unemployed. He is waiting for a job that will be very stable and lucrative once appointed. He is also trying to break into the music industry, has big hopes and dreams, yet nothing as materialized yet. He wants me to move to where he lives. We enjoy each other a lot, have similar beliefs about life and so forth. Wondering if I should take a chance at love and pursue it.
Boyfriend bestfriend...?
Well I would just break up with who ever your goin out with tell them im not ganna date any1 of them if theyre ganna fight over you and its childish games. Tell them to be friends. And you shouldnt have ruined their friendship.
Is Sephora by opi worth nine dollars?
i am thinking of buying a color, and they are kind of expensive for me. Should i buy a nail polish from them? is it worth my nine dollars plus $4.50 bus fare? if so, what color should i get? i have caramel skin. (im indian)
Are there any agricultural organizations that give donations to the FFA?
I'm a high school student in the Future Farmers of America (FFA) and I am searching for companies to donate money to our Agriculture Department.
How do you know if your autographed celebrity picture is legit?
My husband is a storage unit hunter and we found a Tom Jones, Dudley Moore, and Jack Klugman autographed pictures. How do we know if they are legit or reprints? Who is the person to check with for this information? Looking to sell and want to price it right.
Haircut? help! (pic included)?
I think it would look fine on you. most people with that hairstyle have chocolate brown , or black hair . But you have to think about how bad do u want this style because u get like a million layers in your hair . i know that because i got that haircutt . the layers a really short so u have to tease the back and streighten the front .
Could I get into Colgate University?
If you really want to go there, retake the SAT ASAP. You could be admitted on your current very high writing score and on your ACT score, if your stated GPA is unweighted. However, you would be in the bottom quartile of admittees based on the first two parts of your SAT score and entering college with that handicap is usually not too good a path to success. You will probably have a better college experience at a less competitive college. Good luck.
So i missed jury duty in Chatham County Georgia. . . ?
I was called this morning and didn't show up. I'm a college student in this county, I voted here but I am not a resident. I am a resident of Oregon. I went home over the summer, came back to Savannah and found a summons in my student mail box. I called to try to explain my situation as well as the fact that I have NO transportation. The woman insisted the judge would be merciless and I'd be held in contempt if I did not miss all my morning cles to appear tomorrow morning and apologize??!?! This sounds crazy to me! How am I supposed to get there, walk 30 miles? Suggestions?
Alpine cda 9887 tuning help?
Where it not for the dizzy whiptail ambivalence of your crumbling fleece, I could never contemplate the ways of so many merchant bankers in heat.
Can you use other flea medications while using sentinel?
my vet gave my miniature dachshund sentinel tablets to take for fleas, heartworms, etc. but every summer, she is COVERED in fleas. She has a flea allergy, so the poor thing has red bumps all over her tummy and is scratching until they bleed. I'm also using a cheap flea collar and cheap flea medicine from walmart. but i was wondering if she could take any other flea medicines like advantix or anything else with sentinel so she doesnt have so many fleas
Isn't the word "Bromance" very offensive? To hetero's but also to gays?
it's D: None of the above. because it was intended to spark up debate on ..... the loserishness of present day Hollywood celeb writers and what total ho-bitches they are. These days.
Does being eaten by a cat effect gerbil fur growth?
my gerbils had babys a month ago and theyre a month old now and one of the boys has a bald spot will he die? can i help him? he did get slobbered all over by my cat (dont know how this happend i close the cage all the time) before he even opened his eyes and i thought he was but i warmed him up and dried him by rubbing him and rubbed him all over the other gerbils too so he didnt smell like cat slobber and they accepted him, would being eaten by a cat effect gerbil fur growth???
Changing a guilty plea?
I plead guilty to forgery due to my attorney telling me that i admitting to depositing a check into my checking acct. knowing funds where not in my customers acct. at the exact time of deposit then i was guilty of forgery. I then found out that that is not forgery he told me that knowing i would not plea to something i did not do. Can i change my plea and set it for trial?
How terrible are energy drinks for you?
I LOVE them. Im 19 and only have drank them a few times when i was younger but now i have one almost every morning if i have some in my fridge. I know the taurine and stuff is bad but the caffeine and ginseng give me a boost and i swear boost my metabolism and help me get stuff done faster. It also helps me with workouts :) Is one a day really bad? or should I keep doing what im doing?
I am new to ps3 , when i played gta 4 why does it says "installing data to hardisk drive ?"?
Is this norma.? Mine takes very long time to install , will this come out again if i play another games? THANK YOU VERY MUCH .........
RAM upgrade?
No, your machine will only take the 266MHz speed. If you need memory one place I know of is
Here's an Oldie But Goodie, hope you like it?
Brillllllllllliant Grey Beard top marks i'm away to read more of your great witty jokes your wee scottish babe lol x.
Why does my dryer take 3-4 cycles to completely dry our clothes?
My Moms dryer did the same thing. Then we called this guy. He came out to our house. The vent comes out of our roof. He took off the Filter inside the vent. And he put the vent cover back on. Now the clothes dry in no time.
What can I do at school breaktime?
You can play games on your phone (if you are aloud to), you could revise, draw, or just enjoy the sun, or read a magazine, but just try to do something you enjoy and something that you can do by yourself if you don't want to do anything with anyone, you can also just find a quite place....well....,good luck!!!
Teenager not in touch with his feelings?
Is this unappealing to women? I am a 16 year old boy who cannot open up. I have feelings, but I am afraid to show them. I cannot show sympathy, remorse, and generally tell people my feelings. I show no sensitive side whatsoever. Showing my sensitive side is fearful to me. I am a funny guy, and am always good for a quick laugh. But I am afraid and don't want to show any other side than that. I hate compliments, hate when people congratulate me, and refuse recognition for things I do. Is this bad, and if so, what do I do to stop it. Will future lady friends find this unappealing?
Do you think Yanks love Mexican soils, climate, food & natural resources, so they want to take over Mexico?
Yanks with a little amount of money can get the best bang for their buck in the coastal areas in Mexico. I doubt that the elite in Mexico will ever let anyone cut into their monopoly on their gravy train on most industries in Mexico
Tryin to find a word that describes my brother in one word.?
My brother wants me to describe him in one word but I cant think of the right word. he is very intelligent, outspoken and dedicated to everything he does. what word embodies all of the above?
Car keeps running out of water...any ideas?
You need to take it in and have the cooling system checked. If you can't see the fluid dripping onto the ground or onto the pengers side front floorboard (heater core) then you could be burning it which means you probably blew the head gasket. Check the oil. Does it look like chocolate milk? If so get it to the shop for a pretty pricey repair. It's gotta be going somewhere and you need to find out where ASAP before you completely destroy the engine. GOOD LUCK!!
Catholic church telling followers who to vote for presidential candidate?
I want to hear from both sides, and why. How do you feel about the Catholic church telling its followers what type of presidential candidate to vote for? Or in some cases, which one candidate to vote for? Isn't that a violation of mixing church and state affairs? Wouldn't then (theoretically) the Catholic church be able to "sponsor" a strongly Catholic candidate, and tell its followers to vote for him? I want to make something clear, I am a Protestant, or at least that's what I have been labeled by the Catholic church, and I have no hate against Catholics, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. My "religion" isn't perfect, but we cannot judge a religion by its members, we judge it by its beliefs. If we didn't, Catholicism would be just as taboo as Nazism. Hitler professed to be Catholic, remember? But all in all, do you think it's right for the church to do so or not?
What bird should I get?
If you want a beginner bird besides budgies, atiels, and lovebirds, all I can think of is parrotlets or green cheek conures.
Does my budgie have mites?
He is a 5 week old baby, I've had him for 5 days...... He seems to preen himself quite alot, more than I would expect for a budgie. He seems happy but I'm not convinced he doesn't have mites. Could it possibly be that the hair product bottle filled with water we spray him with when he gets hot still has some product in it that irritates his skin so he cleans alot? I'd apreciate your opinion! :)
How do I forget about her?
its love at first sight. thats all it is, and thats why its so hard to forget about her. somehow your in love with her even though you dont talk to her.
Should college be a consideration when deciding if a family is eligible for daycare aid?
Currently a family must have two members (or sole guardian) working at least 20 hours to be eligible and school is not a consideration. So there is no help available for mothers furthering their education. Should there be?
Are we in the midst of the seven year Peace and Security agreement fortold in the Bible?
I will say no because the other signs surrounding the peace you describe above have not happen yet although I suspect we are one day closer than we were yesterday. Signs are out there, and patience is required to see the full picture come into focus. Remember it took God 700 years to prepare the world for the Birth of Christ and almost 730 years to prepare for his death. God can do anything at anytime- most of the time he works cirstances slowly into the perfect timing.
Whats a good name for a fantasy story world? And how can you make one?
I am writing a story and i cant figure out a name for the actual world. The town is South Hollows Berry Oak but i don't know what the world should be called. The main things in the story are elves, Nymphs, Pixies, and other creatures of fiction books. The land is like England. Forests and gr fields. What is a good name? Thank you.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Help can anyone help me find boots I desperately want ?
I found the cutest boots at aldo for $180 I live in the city and will be walking in lots of snow soon so i figured they would be ruined. I then went into love 21 an extension on the forever 21 store and they had the same boot ( well not the exact) for $40 I have tried call a couple of stores and everyone is out. Any thoughts on how i can locate them? Forever 21's customer service stinks so I don't think this is an option.
Helpp maths!! please?
ij desperately need help how would i work of 3^4(3 to the power of 4) TIMES 4^3 (4 to the power of 3) helpp!!! could you show me how to do it and tell me the answer please :) xxxxxxxx
What shud my New Years Restitution be?
I play the saxophone so it cud be to practice that more. it cud be do all my homework before bed. it cud be to keep my room clean(impossible). i am skiiny so idk... but wat is urs?
What should I do as a band member,and hopefully career?
I'm 15 and I can do a really deep Death metal voice lol. I just had to practice it.btw i'm not in a band I just liked the way the voice sounded lol
Question about "the Yellow Wallpaper"?
Well, he controls his wife by telling her not to think about her sickness, or write down her feelings in her diary. The setting is in an abandoned mental institution that John rented for his wife to stay. That's all I can remember, hope it helped.
A late-night poem, thoughts? ^ ^?
I feel wonderful when I can hand in the reign of control to the wind in the air for a day; take me around the river bend, won't you.
How did Progressive mayors & governors get more politically entrenched than their predecessors?
In the early 1900's, some Progressive mayors and governors became more politically entrenched than the machine politicians that they replaced in office. My understanding is that Progressive's political approach was not a clearly defined approach. It was a style of addressing problems based on having the backing of God and science. It was a belief that the behemoth engines of the new modern society could churn along morally and humanely. So, how did they become more politically entrenched?
If you had to, to save your own life, would you eat another Human Being?
If in dire cirstances (like stranded on a lifeboat or lost in the alps), would you kill and eat someone who was with you so that you (and possibly others) could survive?? Would you resort to cannibalism? Why or why not?
Where can I get a copy of the out-of-print series Big O?
I just found out on the Viz website that Big O is not published anymore. Is there any way I can either find or order the books?
Portraiture Artists ? ? ? ?
New Zealand/Australian artist Sylvia Kula. She specializes in faces and she does it really well - she is one of my favourite modern artists.
Please rate my yugioh fiend deck?
dude its perfect man you can kick my @ss all the way from virginia to mercury and CCV is banned and be sure to put in a monster reborn becuase its limited now. other wise i give your deck a 1000/10
Alright...there's a bat flying around my apartment. Any suggestions on how to get rid of it?
We found one in our garage last night when we came home. That was the first time it happened, and I was afraid one of my cats would catch it and try to bring it into the house. Ugh! After circling for a while it did go out the garage door. Perhaps if you open your largest window and gently herd the bat towards that wall, it will stop panicking and make its exit.
Is it true that the creater of Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series, Little Kuriboh's, Youtube account got suspended
ahh you scared me with that question. but i just checked he's still there on youtube. wow. that gave me a rush. But if he does get suspended he's also on and
What is a good piano piece for a competition (I'm 14)?
I am planning to do a local competition for kids next year around this time of year (this years was today). I feel like I would have to work very hard to get something special ready otherwise I might be out of place. This year, I am playing Golliwogg's Cakewalk by Debussy and Chopin's Waltz in A Minor from Opus Posthoumous for adjudications. Golliwogg's Cakewalk took about six months to get perfect (almost), but I have a year to do this. I got alot more serious about practicing a while ago and I skipped over about three levels which I am now filling in. My favorite composers are Debussy, Ravel and Chopin. I want a challange but nothing inappropriately difficult. All suggestions are appreciated.
Should the rights haters look up what the word "militia" meant when the 2nd Amendment was created?
We were given the right to bear arms to overthrow the government should it become necessary. Everyone knows that. Or should.
My Mate And i Have Fallen Out..!!!?
Dont give up on fay... keep trying to get back with her. She will come around soon. Apologize in front of everyone and if she hurts you... others will also advice her for being mean.
Wearing slip on Vans to Six Flags?
If you must wear those shoes, then just take them off before you go on any coasters without a floor (i.e. Medusa) since there is a possibility of them falling off. They will not fall off on standard sit-down coasters that have a floor (like Boomerang) - so just take them off on rides where your feet are dangling...they allow you to leave your shoes near the railings close to the exit (the opposite side to where you load onto the train - you will see other shoes there).
Can you report an abusive father and neglectful mother?
Click the report on and indicate possible abuse or illegal activities. Most of the people here are fake posters and just make up stories to get attention.
MY CAT IS DYING! What can I do? What could it be?
My cat is dying right before my eyes, I hadn't seen him properly in a few days and my dad called me downstairs and said he was dead in the garden! But it turned out he was still alive. He had loads of flys over him, and he can only walk about 1 metre or so, in a very wonky fashion before falling to the ground. It seems like he has no energy to eat or drink, and he is now just lying her beside me. He is still alive because he is breathing, but he can barely move, he won't even blink or close his eyes. he is just staring into space. What should I do to make him more comfortable in this process, and what could be be dying of? I think he is about 12 years old, that's a guess, because I don't know how old he was when we first got him, just that I've had him for about 10 years.
Mexican President Caldaron warned us to stop arresting illegal aliens. Should we comply?
Of course Napalitano should not comply. I'm not surprised though since a large part of the Democratic base are people with their hands out. We are selling out our country for votes. The people in power don't care for the country only for their own power
Is this story good? Sorry for the length.?
Its a good plot... every book is going to have someone that likes it. Plus, if you completed it and sent it to an editor, they would mess with your punctuation so don't worry about that :D. Seems like a fun book to write, I would continue. Don't you have to be 13 to be on Yahoo Answers? It's okay. I started writing books at age 9 (They FAIL)... so don't be sad you are young.
I recently became a vegetarian? Please Help!!?
6 months ago i became a vegetarian and in the past couple days I have lost 3 lbs. You may think, it is only 3 lbs, but I am 13 and I am a slow grower. I have not been excessively excersising, and I am eating the same foods as usual. My mom says I am not getting enough protein, and this is the reason I have lost weight. I think I eat enough, but what i am worried about is other nutrients I might need that come from meat. What do I need to eat to make sure I stay healthy and how much protein do you need in a day? What are the health benefits of being a vegetarian? Thanks!!
What can I do to remove smells ociated with potty training my son?
My daycare sends home my childs clothes with urine and fecal matter still on them. I have tried washing with vinegar, tide, tomato juice, cola, dishwashing liquid. Washing 2 or 3 times still leaves the odor. Any suggestions?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Why should ANY company that got bailed out with US tax payers money be giving out over $400 million in bonuses?
This happens when the government is in the pockets of the companies instead of serving the people. This happens when people's taxes are given to these companies WITHOUT requiring any accountability, yes this happens when people know a lot more about soap operas and shows the likes of American Idol instead of keeping a vigilant eye on their democracy...and one can go on and on, but hopefully you get the drift!
Recently whilst driving a peugeot 1.4 hdi , 206 model in the alps i had found it developed weird problem....?
with the throttle in that it would just idle but not rev , the problem was intermittent , but a real head scratcher as soon as i had left the alps and was at lower atltitude the problem never returned , was this altitude related ? the throttle on this car is fly by wire not cable .
Is there such thing as byxXrPHb.dll in the system32 folder?
my windows defender found a trojan and it said that i should remove it, so i clicked remove, then it says that i should restart my computer, when it restarts and the windows loads again, an error message pops up saying that there was an error loading byxXrPHb.dll because the file is missing.. but when i run sfc /SCANNOW in my command prompt to check if i have missing .dll files, the result is that i dont have missing files and its always like that.. i need help
In the play antigone, what was one thing that creon gained from his experience?
I would absolutely go with A. Wisdom, because he certainly doesn't gain money or contentment, and he really doesn't have any followers. To justify it, he gains the wisdom that he cannot let his excessive pride get in his way anymore - it led to the joint suicides of his niece and his son (Antigone and Haimon).
Why does my wife not want to have a child with me?
My wife is Korean and I am American. I met her in Korea while teaching english for 2 yrs. We had a great courtship and she was a virgin when married unlike myself. She stated that she wanted 3 children before marriage. We subsequently decided to live in the US, thus she immigrated on a marriage visa. She has no immediate family in the US. My parents are such where my mom would rather have jewels than help her adopted kids out. My wife got pregnant in our first year of marriage and she decided to have an abortion. She is a devout Christian. I am very spiritual but do not attend church anymore. Her father was an adulterer and gambler but her mother was forced to have a child until a boy was born which was the fifth child. My wife was the fourth. She is extremely attractive and is now 40 yrs old. I just don't understand why my wife told me she wanted to have children but then after marriage decided to have an abortion and swore she would never have a child with me when she would get angry during a menstrual cycle. I didn't fight her too hard on the abortion because I believe that if she didn't want the child then why force her as that would be bad for the pregnancy and newborn she didn't really want. The last 10 years I have heard every reason why I wouldn't get to have a child with her as I wouldn't be supportive enough, wasn't financially ready, didn't have a home, not enough money, even to the point that she would just plain ignore me if I brought up the subject. Honestly, I can deal with all of this except for this point. Why wouldn't my wife have ever wanted to see a little me run around? It wasn't until about 6 yrs ago to be honest that I really wanted to see a little one of her run around. Since then I have felt that she truly never loved me. Any advice is much appreciated. At this point I don't know who to turn to anymore...
Hey Xtians, could i ask you a question?
Why exactly do you go around in hotel rooms and leave bibles in there? Do you actually think i or anyone else who's not ret@rded enough to be a christian or any other religion would wanna see that ******** when i open that drawer?
Credit Score Help Please?
If I received a vantage credit score of 744, APPROXIMATELY what would the equivalent be as a FICO score?
I have a friend that has started drinking. He is very smart and has everything to lose if he becomes an alcoh?
He has everything going for him. He says 3 or 4 beers or shots of whiskey gives him the energy he needs to get stuff done. And, surprisingly, he does get a lot, lot more work done after 3 or 4 drinks. He becomes very energetic on alcohol unlike most people. How can alcohol give him energy? Does it increase cortisol levels? Could adrenal insufficiency make him use alcohol?
There is a ghost where i live, how do i get rid of it?
Nanette,I'm glad to hear someone else doesn't buy the lost souls crap. The spirit is in your home for it's own reasons. It cannot hurt you or your children. It's your home and you can lay down some rules with this spirit. You can tell it,for example,not to show itself or talk to your children. However,keep in mind,Nanette,how you and your boyfriend react to this spirit will dictate how your children react. I've had several experiences with spirits,both before and after I had children. It is only natural that you would worry about your children;obviously you're a good Momma,but why not explain to them that there is nothing to be frightened of and that a spirit is a normal thing. It is only the conscience of a person who used to be alive and isn't now. If you take away the fear your children have and your own anxiety about this,the whole situation may look less threatening. Maybe try doing some EVP's,or electronic voice phenomena. Get a good digital recorder and before you use it,familiarize yourself with the sounds in your home so you know what you're hearing when you play it back. Ask simple questions,such as the spirits name,why it is there,things of this nature. You could do this as a family. I have always been very open with my children about spirits and the paranormal,and have never told them these things are not real or possible. As a result,my children have no fear of spirits;it's just as normal to them as a human is. If you just can't have this spirit around,you can burn sage in all of the rooms in your home to cleanse it. Most important,Nanette,don't be frightened of this. Something else to consider: this may not be a spirit. It could be ya'll have a fear cage. There is nothing paranormal about this. It is simply high electrical energy in your home. You may have an over loaded fuse box or something along those lines. High EMF's(electro magnetic fields) can cause hallucinations,among other things. Have an electrician check into this. Also,check if there is mold or paint cans around the house. Fumes from these things can also cause hallucinations. I'm not saying you are hallucinating,just that you should check into these things. Keep in mind,ya'll haven't been hurt and ya'll aren't going to be. There is nothing to be frightened of. If you need more help,you could contact the psychology department of a local university and ask for the paranormal dept.. I hope this has put your mind at ease and given you some help.
Why are so many people too dumb to realise that black people are more athletic than white people on average?
Dear because they have a zeal of winning and to get some place in this world so they are hard working.
Ok i have a hp psc 1610 all in one printer and i cant get it to connect or show up on my computer any more?
it use to work but it got messed up and i had to disconnect it so i tryed to connect it and now it wont work
Update on HSG test!?
Congrats congrats! That's really good news (oh, and congrats on getting that over with...sounds like you did great)! FSH injections take no time at all to get used to...usually learning how to operate the needle (they're all a bit different) is the biggest obstacle. Then you'll be off to the races. Only recommendation I can make is to follow very carefully the suggestions that they give you to prevent hyperstimulation...drink lots of water, avoid caffeine and alcohol. That way your body will be sending fluids and hydration where it needs to: your folicles! Best of luck and keep us posted!
Why are the Jews always being oppressed?
I dont know why we are oppressed. Ther are bad Jews, but many of us are good, and follow the mitzvot. I myself am far from perfect. i confess to being a bit judgemental, especially when it comes to Christians condemning me for not believing in what they believe. Furthermore, Israel belongs to the Jews, The northern kingdom was called Israel, the southern, Judaea. The Emperor Tiberius renamed it "Palestine" in reference to the invading Philistines, simply to anger us. So historically, the land has always been ours, some people just have selective memories....And gee Sammer, one might say that about black people too. Shoes on the other foot now. How does it feel? Ill tell you how it feels. People who have that opinion are dangerous to civilized society, and they scare me with their ignorance. Aleichem Shalom, down there. heh. God forbid the Christians try to mess with the Holy Land again. I will make Aliyah, join the IDF, and defend Ha'aretz until I die.
Help with my parrot legband PLEASE?
They can be different, but on the atoo, it seems like he comes from florida. The rest is encoded and you could probably get a professional to read it.
Caterpillar infestation on all my trees...eating all the foliage. What can I use to get ride off them?
apparently it's affecting all the trees in the area. i've use many different products and don't know which will give me best results. i've been to lowe's and home depot but none of their insecticides seem to work. i'm concerned that soon all my trees will be bare. please help.
15 year olds visiting neighbor country?
I traveled from Albania to Kosovo and vice-versa, also from Albania to Macedonia and vice-versa. I had to give them my info (pport etc). But if i were you i would have an 18 year old just in case (maybe older), so the trip doesn't go to waste and you should bring your doents etc.
Where can i get gotham city thug low price?
You can check out, (but u have to be the highest bidder), and if you have any local pawn shops, they may have it. (there's also that's suppose to be a cheaper place, but I don't know what all they have.) Good Luck on finding it!
Why Indian women usually do not engage in pre-marital ?
while women in western countries, in general, do. Do the hindu gods - lord vishnu, shiva, etc - say not engage in pre-marital ?
Which one of these new thrash metal bands are the best?
Evile... just about every other modern thrash band sounds forced (like Hexen and Gama Bomb)... and Matt Drake sounds better than Tom Araya ever did
Would you date someone without telling them you're FTM/MTF?
Just curious if anyone would date a straight guy/girl without telling them you're ftm/mtf or do you think you HAVE to tell people you date?
Can anyone give me some fashion tips ?
hey! don't be afraid to be labeled a nerd. wearing plain on-downs is definitely stylish if you know how to mix and match everything. like you said, you like converse and adidas. the simple original converse will do just fine. jeans is jeans! so go ahead :) as for shirts.. you can always wear white tops (t-shirt or tank)..and wear plaid on-downs.. use it as a cardigan or something.. you know what i mean? you don't have to on it. play with colors (trust me, you won't look like a r, emo or preppy and definitely not nerdy!)
Stoner Metal Recommendations?
My favourite: CLUTCH....a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
My mare is odd about her pregnancys...what about yours?
I had an old mare that I tried for 5 years to get her in foal, she was a red dun quarter horse, at 20 years old we finally got her to take, she was only bred one time due to an accident with the Stallion owners Grandson, but she took, 372 days later she dropped a beautiful healthy Sorrel and white filly. She carried her over a year and boy was I nervous, she was 21 when that filly was born and it was her last foal, she died at 30 years old.13 years later that sorrel and white filly had her first foal, she was bred to a big black and white stallion he was 16.1h and weighed 1350 was a colt she carried it 354 days and he was big sorrel and white, beautiful colt. that was 2 years ago I had a heart attack so I sold my mare and colt last year.
Why is it that if there are supposed to be decent women out there that they are so impossible to find?
the way you feel about women is the way i feel about men.I know there is someone out there for me i just want to know when he will turn up.
What doctor do I see about fixing an engorgement problem with my glans?
I'm sure I know what caused the inability of my glans to become engorged but I don't know what kind of doctor to visit to ask about finding a way to fix it. My urologist seemed to just ignore it when I brought it up.
In short, im 18 & a sr in hs & want to leave hs w/2 months left & want to leave my mark before its over, & want to be remembered well. basically, ive gotten into my own bubble in a few cles & want to change it. im known as someone who likes to fool around & joke, but shy in cl. in middle school, i talked a lot more in cl, & in frosh yr, but by soph yr i got disgruntled w/ politics in sports & quit them & became more independent & to myself. i had a rebound end of jr yr where i became more highly regarded & self confident again, talking in many cles & all the friends back again & new ones, & after spending part of summer prepping for soccer, as i finally had a chance to make vars as most of the players graduated, i missed a tryout cause of wisdom teeth & didnt make it. it hurt me at first, not talking in many cles, creating a bubble, however it didnt hurt much cause i still had a rep as being that character. but then my friend ruined my chances w/ a (more below)
I need advice about a friend please?
Honestly this is sad for your friend but its really none of your concern. Mind your own issues and let her live, even if its wrong in your eyes. If u push her she will end up disliking you for it. U cant change her mind, and bottom line is that it is her life, not yours.. Just be a friend and be there for her.
Can I get HIV at the barbershop?
Today I was at the barbershop and the barber cut me. While he kept shaving he noticed his own hand was bleeding (I guess from cleaning the blade). He cleaned it and put alcohol on his cut. I don't know if any of his blood got on my face and entered through my cut
Got to young children for the night?
ive got to family members over for the nightage 9 and ase 12 but where struggling on things to do...? any ideas?
16 and never been kissed?
Your name is molly.... and your a Mormon..... Only in Utah is that funny. Listen being VL(virgin lips) is no big thing. Your first kiss, especially in Utah, is a big deal! Don't ever do it just to do it. Find someone special!
If the media got word that a high school was open on MLK Day with no observance, would they make a fuss?
It's a Federal Holiday. If it were not observed, the liberal media wouldn't need to make a fuss, the federal government would.
Is the loss of Brendan Ayanbedejo going to seriously affect the Bears special teams?
Ayanbedejo went over to Baltimore this offseason. He was a special teams beast, making the pro bowl the last two years as a special teams guy. Anyone that's watched a Bears game knows he was in on almost every tackle on a kickoff. Without him our special teams could give up more return yards putting our defense in a worse position. He was also a crucial part of the Bears return game for Hester. Do you think this will have an impact?
What dog food should i feed my dogs?
There is a brand called "Diamond" which we feed our 16 dogs. It's around $20 or so for a 50lb bag, but i'm not sure if they have it a Petsmart or Petco. Eukanuba use to be a really good, but quite expensive dog food, however i'm sure the price has changed. Just make sure that the food does not have ground corn or soy (especially as the first ingredient).
What are the risks of investing in Norway?
I'm thinking of opening a bis. There but I have only herd positive things, I need to know the negitives.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Ratteries in the North GA/Atlanta Area?
Hey! I'm looking to have some new ratty friends and I would love to get a pair from a local breeder somewhere. (I don't want any nasty parasites/illnesses on the rats) Does anyone know of a rattery in the North Georgia/Atlanta area? Thanks!
German for peace: Frieden or Friede?
Peace as in freedom from war. (Peace, Paz, Shalom, Salaam, Shanti, etc.) What is the difference between Frieden and Friede?
Will this planned exercise "regime" help me to "tone up" a bit?
That's hell of a good weight to be for your height, if you really want to super tone your body research tension and release exercises which mean you don't have to diet or go to the gym or generally knacker yourself up in any way, it involves pretending that you are lifting weights and tensing your upper body whilst doing it, you can do this throughout the day without anyone noticing by tensing different muscles in turn, after six weeks you will start to see your body really shape up, make it part of your routine for life.
What do you think of this extract from my story ? (3 paragraphs)?
This is a good extract. You added lots of details. Just what a good writer needs. All you need to do is change some corrections so its better to understand. Overall this can be a part of a hit book.
SWBFT2 Question?
how do you construct turrets with the fusion cutter and what maps are there places where you can construct them?
How long until teeth whiten from quitting smoking?
I'm not a smoker, but my room mate smoked for years and quit about a year ago and her teeth look better but still a little yellow... So I guess it just takes a long time. She didn't use any whitening methods though.
How do people with preexisting conditions get affordable health insurance in America?
They don't. My dad made a million a year heading a huge real estate company but because my mom had cancer they could not get insurance. Actually, cause he oversaw 500 employees, he could get insurance cause he was the boss, but the price was so ridiculous it was a worthless offer.
How good is this trade?
Pretty bad your losing some really good young players in Cahill, Masterson, Beckham and Wieters. Honestly the only player your getting that even matters is Joyce and thats not enough to be giving up all those stud young players
Direct 2 Drive question?
Is D2D better than Steam? If so, how is it better? Also, if I am to buy a game from D2D involving Steamworks as DRM, what exactly happens? I download the game, then re-download from Steam?
Red Dead Redemption freezing up?
Okay so I got rdr when it came out and it plays fine on my ps3. My girlfriend just bought a ps3 so I let her borrow it and it is continually freezing. Most of the times at the start up loading screen. It's not the console because shes been playing other games and they are working fine. Just to check i put rdr in my ps3 and it doesnt freeze. So im lost. Anyone know what the problem is?
How do you feel when you finish writing a poem?
This is more than just a madrigal. It was written to express and yet to hide something that affects deeply. I imagine, it took you more than the usual 10 minutes to write it my friend. There was also a bit of editing to make sure it touches perfection. My favorite lines are "...but she belongs unto herself alone,", "sylvan dells of yearning and untrammeled thought all for naught -", "deathless cage". Some previous poems including the recent madrigals and sonnet as well as one from 2 months ago have been considered in sculpting this precious work of art.
How do you handle a moody, sulky husband?
I love my husband. We've been married for 25 years, have two grown children. He's kind, sensitive, helps around the house, talks a blue streak when he's happy--so why am I complaining? Well, when things don't go his way--usually when he wants and I don't--he goes into a sulk the next day. He'll claim he is fine, but he is standoffish and moody. He can be very pive/aggressive and he mopes around the house like a big baby and I am the big bad wolf. It's like he thinks he deserves so much sympathy and coddling, but it makes me want to just kick him. He also gets upset easily at other times--flies off the handle and has little temper tantrums. He has never been physically abusive of me, but he is perfectionist and critical and very detail focused. My daughter once put it that he lived "in a very little world." I joke that if I didn't know better I would swear he was gay. But his sulking is really getting to me--How can I get him to see he is acting like a spoiled baby?
Kramers Mad Money, the best insite?
Starting now on CNBC...the most direct understanding of what is going on now...and fun as hell to watch
Want to know about CFA course (chartered financial yst)?
Is there any scope of CFA course in India? I m a 33 years old female , staying at Gurgaon India ....I m a graduate with economics, I want to study further in the field of financial market, so can anyone tell me whether this course is right for me or not, and also I m neck deep in stock market,keeping this in mind would anyone suggest me that ,is cfa course from ICFAI is good and what is the scope of this course?
Yugioh danylion combos?
so this one came to me and i wonder if is a fair play. lets say i have one Arcana Force XXI - The World. face up and one face down sangan and dandylion. i activate virus cannon and send dandylion and sangan to the graveyard. will sangans effect still kick in with dandylions effect? and then i decided to use Arcana Force XXI - The World effect "When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. Heads: During your End Phase, you can send 2 monsters you control to the Graveyard to skip your opponent's next turn." does this combo work?
Information on camino health center?
What services are provided at camino health center san juan capistrano ca? I am unemployed and I have 2 teen daughters and cannot afford health insurance. I live in dana point ca, I need any info on the camino health center
Which solution is miscible: kerosene/alcohol or water/alcohol?
I'm thinking its Kerosene/alcohol because its a blurry genous solution while water/alcohol is a clear solution.
Does anybody know where i can find lyrics to the song, boom by Frank ti-aya ft.Yardi?
I can't find the lyrics.... it's like the song doesn't even exist! I know where i can find the music and video, but i want the lyrics.
Schecter: Omen-5 Vs. Hellraiser-5?
Those b guitars are pretty evenly matched so, it just depends on which one you like the best. Although, I looked at and played 3 Schecter bes as well as LTD, B.C. Rich, Fender, and Gibson b guitars before I selected my Ibanez SR505 5-string b. I just think the Ibanez sounded better and played than all the rest. The SR505 definitely has much better controls than the other bes.
Im tired of getting bullied it is **** ing ridiculous. i cant take it anymore?
Tell the ***** off. Tease her, make her feel like ****. Tell her how shes never gonna find a boyfriend because she looks like a circus freak. When you go outside say 'Hows the weather up there'. When youre on the street say, 'careful, youll hit a light post'. Be witty.
Tropicana Sugar Free Lemonade, where can I find Product, W TX, E New Mex100/200mi from Odessa,TX, Carlsbad,NM?
K-Mart carries it here. Here is in the suburbs of Washington, DC. Perhaps K-Marts everywhere have it.
Military reserves discrimination..?
I have been with my civilian job for 4 years now. Recently I enlisted with the National Guard. In the past I have often had "meets satisfactory" performance scores....all of a sudden after enlisting (and with a very new manager), I received a below average score and have been put on a rather harsh '90 day action plan' to improve on such things as: sounding monotone over the radio (I work in security, we use radios and I don't believe that I sound monotone) and other very minor BS excuses. Trust me it's all ridiculous BS. They know I am leaving for Basic training in less than two months. Does it seem like they are trying to pull a bunch of BS excuses to fire me before I leave for basic?
Plugs and tunnels for my ears?
the place i used to go to closed down, does anyone know any websites i can get really inexpensive tunnels for my ears, preferably titanium, im hopeing for a pair to run me about $20 or less, or if anyone knows a shop in the schaumburg illinois area that sells the stuff and has a good selection the way marce noir used to have
I have a 2003 gmc savana 1500 cargo van and i need heavier duty springs?
the leaf springs on my 1500 gmc savana 4.3ltr v6 seem like they are wore out. the van seems to sag in the rear. i do carry a lot af tools in the back of my van though. i had air shocks on the van at one time. they worked good when it was aired up all the way but they leaked quite a bit. i had to fill them up at least once a week. i had this set up until the shackle that the rear of the leaf springs were connected had tore away from the frame.(i dont know how this happened) when my friend welded them back on he accidentally burned a hole in the air hose for the air shock so he replaced them with gas shocks. now the van it sits really low in the rear and i sc my trailer hitch everywhere. (i tow a small trailer at times.) i was wondering if there is a way to put stiffer leaf springs off of another van,truck, or what ever. i dont want to by new if i dont have to.
Cany anyone relate??? Give me your honest opinion!?
i'm an INFP and I can relate...... feel the same way sometimes. dont let it upset you, find compatible people to hang out with (ENTP or ENFP)
Can I win back the heart of an Aquarius man?
I'm a Leo. I really pissed off my Aquarius friend. He pissed me off first with the "keep the wall between us crap". I tried really hard not to take it personal knowing that is how they are. But I couldn't help myself. I told him off like a true Leo can do. Now he won't talk to me. Probably if I humbled I might have a chance but I think he would see right through the bull crap. I can't bring myself to kiss up it's not me. Aquarius are so unforgiving. What can I do we meant alot to each other and I think I may have blown it. I really love him. We are ual partners too. I want our friendship back but with mutual respect. He said some really mean things too. What can I do?
HELP What does this mean?
been dating a guy for almost a year(long distant relationship) have been staying in contact he comes to see me etc. the last time i saw him was about 3-4 worried and started writing him and texting ect and no response so i thought it was over.....jjust when i was getting over the guy BAM!! HE text me and and ask what i was doing this weekend if we could get together...he claims that he was sssooo busy and thats why i haven't heard from him in a while!! WTF..honestly I want to trust him but come on who am i fooling...I dk what would u do??ladies and gentlemen
Monday, August 8, 2011
My eye was just hurting, and I just pulled out a chunk of old mascara from it! How do I make sure that's it?
hey that bites huh? you can go to the pharmacy and get a kit to flush your eyes out w/saline. or just hold your head under running water and have the water run across your eyes. for most people this is too hard to do, so they have eye shaped "cups" that you place over the eye and i think you squish a bottle w/saline and it flushes the eye. i would call your local pharmacy and speak to the pharmacist and ask if they carry such a thing or if they know where you can get one. usually they carry such things at a medical supply store. then from now on make sure you take your makeup off every nite. old mascara can build up bacteria and possibly cause an eye infection
If you already have an ociates degree, how long does it take afterwards to get a Bachelors?
I want to continue my education by transferring to either Boston University or McGill. I will already have my ociates from a local community college. How long does it take to complete a Bachelors if you already have an ociates?
What am i a poser or gangsta?
Alright here it is i am a kid in year 10 i hate being like everyone else cause at my skool every one dresses the same and do the same sports i dress different i talk different i can beatbox ride motorbikes snowboard and i like hip hop (bliss en eso,jerasic 5) i hate being like everyone else so y do people keep calling me gansta and a poser
How to coach this kid?
I am a new coach in my first year as a linemen coach with a local YFL team. Typically, I do not believe in yelling and screaming but do elevate my voice until I can gain players attention, and find that is enough to put things back in order. However, one young man on the team, whom is by far one of the most valuable members of the team, often becomes disconnected and unattached with any attempts to coach of correct his behavior. Its as if he simply shuts down. The other coaches see it as a lack of effort or attitude problem, but I am not so sure. It is as if after noticing praise or doing well, the kid tries to fail. If he is not doing it wrong, to him things don't seem right. Am I just being soft, or do you think the kid needs to be coached differently?
What age do guys start to mature physically and mentally?
Hi currently I'm in Grade 12 and it seems as though half the guys in my grade haven't matured in (height, voice tone or mentally mature) yet. How come is it that the average age states that they mature both physically and mentally by the age of 15. Thats impossible. I'm taller than half the guys in my grade, though I'm deemed as average as a 17 year old girl. I'm 5'' 7 and most of the guys are up to my chin, is this normal. Another thing is that grade 12 boys are far more immature than the grade 8 boys in which I've tutored for grad credits. One guy in my biology cl today was talking about having with the substitute, that which was subbing today for our teacher. Please can someone tell me why they act soooo immature and they're in grade 12 already like mini adults. I thought that in grade 12 they would all change and turn into adults ughh!!!!!!! I hate it when I went to the opening dance and I was dancing with a midget. Ok thats not a bad thing but......uhhhh...yeah:P
Fix/rate my SLIGHTLY ILLEGAL Kaiba Deck?
Rather than build a Kaiba deck, build one that focuses on the best theme within that. The blue-eyes white dragon deck. Have Blue-eyes, b-eyes ultimate, shining, Paladin of white dragon. Add cards like decoy dragon and five headed dragon. Add illegal if you want.
Do one of these girls like me? What should I do?
I may not be entirely correct in saying this but because you are an older guy they may just think they like you. I think they are acting like this to get your attention because you are older. When I was that age older guys were more appealing. It made you feel 'cool' to be near them. Hope this helps!
Prom/Events' Dress Options? HELP!?
Honestly, I would suggest you get 4 different dresses for each event. The reason is because even though the dress is multi-way, you can still tell it is the same dress, especially since it is the same color. Then, think about it. In every picture you take, you'll be wearing the same dress and it'll be kind of weird. The most expensive dress should be prom, then graduation. The senior awards night and sports banquet dresses do nothave to be expensive. Maybe for those event you can wear a dreaa you already have, or if not, you can buy a simple dress. Also, you can just wear dressing pants. (that's what i did) Actually, for graduation, the dress might not matter that much either, since you will have your gown on top, and you probably can't see your dress anyways. For prom, consider a color that mostly nobody uses. For instance, there is this shade of orange that almost nobody uses. However, do not get an ugly color dress just because nobody chooses that color. Do not choose a light color, because you are have light skin and it will not stand out that much. For graduation, it depends on the color of your gown. For senior awards night and the sports banquet, choose colors diffrent than prom and graduation. Remember, the prettiest dress should be prom, because that's the one that will show i the pictures, and that is a big event in which everybody is dressed up. If you need further suggestions, you can e-mail me at Good luck!!!!
Any recommendations for my 35gal hex tank? i need some ideas?
well you can get a yellow clown goby they are very small and great for reef tanks also have you maybe consider some starfish maybe a useful sand sifting starfish and you do have room for that blenny you want
I wanna improve my English?
How can i improve my English language skills? This is my foreign language, i mean my second language .I've started to study about 1 year ago, and i like to learn by myself. I'm having problems to get better my grammar/ortographyc but i don't have difficults to understand texts.I also use a site called livemocha; there i usually chat with English speakers and i understand the most of they say. i would like to get fluency in this language but im having problems to fix the writting and listenning! What i need to do ? thnx
Why does my have extra s…‡
Well my has extra skin, n im scared tuu have , am i the only person with this, im 14 years old, n i masturbate, will it hurt if i q…‡
Girlfriend wants to take a “break”?
You're 20 years old. You have lots of good dating years left. It seems like she's pushing you away for one reason or another so take a break. You shouldn't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you. Move on.
Song/Artist you've been obcessing about?
Ive been listening to Pantera, Morbid Angel, Keep Of Kalessin, Hanzel Und Gretyl, Motley Crue and Undercover Slut almost non stop for the past few days.
Will Atari make a sequel to the game indigo prophecy?
I really liked playing the first game and hope they make a second one. Does anyone know if Atari will make a sequel?
Charges on my checkcard is this right?
I decided to go stateside while my husband is deployed so that our family could see our twins for the first time. My family stays in Athens, GA so my sister and I drove to Memphis, TN (this is where my husbands family is) while in Memphis someone stole my purse and her cell phone. I immediately called everything in as stolen (Pport, Dillard's Card, etc..) I didn't call in my drivers license or checkcard because I normally keep those in the diaper bag but today I realized my checkcard was in my purse and not the diaper bag so I called my bank immediately (Navy Federal Credit Union) and found out whoever stole it has spent all of my money in my checking account as well as sent my account into a negative. The lady I spoke with told me I still had to pay it back is this right? Are they supposed to hold me liable for being mugged? Up until now my account has always been in good standing I never overdraft!
Do you ever notice how some people never pronounce the extra i in "shiitake" mushroom?
when it's supposed to be shee-ee-ta-kee, not shee-ta-kee? all my friends say it wrong and when i correct them they give me this look like i'm crazy.
How to do fortran program?
Write a Fortran program that uses an array to set each diagonal element of a matrix to 1, and the others to 0. Use the PARAMETER keyword to set the dimension of the array. Print out the matrix in a suitable form.
Does LSU have a chance in the title game?
LSU lost to Arkansas who lost to Alabama who lost to Louisiana Monroe who lost to North Texas who lost to Navy who lost to Delaware who lost to Villanova who lost to Richmond who lost to Towson who lost to Colgate who lost to Holy Cross who lost to Fordham who lost to Dayton who lost to Morehead State who lost to Robert Morris who lost to Wagner who lost to St. Francis(PA) who lost to Liberty who lost to Elon. Go Elon Phoenix!
Spanish-english quick translation (only if u know both languages please)?
"If you laugh, the world will laugh with you. If you cry, you'll cry alone. The first person who said that deserves a super mega prize because it is too much true"
Mike Tyson vs Joe Frazier? who would win????????
Ah, now that's one I've always pondered. Although Frazier was destroyed by Foreman, (and who wasn't back then apart from Ali) Frazier was durable. Stature and stylewise there are similarities. Unlike many of Tysons opponents, Frazier wouldn't have been intimidated. I think Tyson would maybe have started to get disheartened, and run out of ideas by the middle rounds had he not gotten Frazier out of there. Hell of a fight, Ko either way, but leaning more towards Frazier winning because of what I've just said. People have got to remember that even at his peak, Tyson struggled with second tier heavyweights (although had at one stage had been World Champions) like Tony Tucker and Bonecrusher Smith.
How old were you ladies when you had your first baby?
I was 19 when I had my daughter who is 4 months old now. I have found it very hard and I even think I got a good baby. There will be no more full nights sleep, definitely no sleeping in. You have to work around your baby's schedule. There is definitely no more putting yourself first, sometimes you just have to put your needs aside. The time you can spend on your own and do the thing you love are very limited. At the same time it is very rewarding and I can't even explain how much I love my daughter it is so overwhelming.
Could someone give me a list of aquarium plants that could thrive in slightly brackish water?
I'm getting a small (10-20g) tank that I will breed guppies in. It will be slightly brackish. I need a foreground;midground;background;and floating plant(s) that could thrive in salt, with not a lot of CO2.
Why do catholics believe this about Pentecostals?
The oneness Pentecostals baptize in the name of Jesus. because they don't baptize in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the catholics say their not christians. the apostles baptized in jesus name. God sent an angel to Cornelius Acts ch. 10 the angel said to Cornelius that Peter will tell you what you need to do. But anyways Peter baptized people in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.I read about the catholic church and I read about what they thought about other denominations and they think the oneness are not christian which the bible says God knows who are his elect. The catholic church don't know who are God's elect; only God does.
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