Monday, August 15, 2011

Muslim - Christian Wedding? Rings, Reception, Ceremony?

I'm christian and my boyfriend is muslim from Senegal. Marriage has been a hot topic between us lately and he's mentioned he wants to marry me. He's mentioned more than once, "we don't wear rings", said he wouldn't wear a ring. I want a ring. Every girl wants a ring and an engagement ring. Is this permissable? I don't want to compromise all of me. There has to be some balance and compromise, but not where I lose myself or my identity. Can he get me a ring? Also, Is it appropriate to have both a muslim and christian ceremony or two separate? What day would be our recognized day? the day of the muslim ceremony or the christian. What are the dos and donts of the christian ceremony other than not having alcohol? I want some alcohol at the reception and some dancing do we pull this off without anyone being offended? I don't want to get married in a church but would like to have a traditional wedding. I'm ok with muslim ceremony. He and his family are very liberal

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