Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How do you handle a moody, sulky husband?

I love my husband. We've been married for 25 years, have two grown children. He's kind, sensitive, helps around the house, talks a blue streak when he's happy--so why am I complaining? Well, when things don't go his way--usually when he wants and I don't--he goes into a sulk the next day. He'll claim he is fine, but he is standoffish and moody. He can be very pive/aggressive and he mopes around the house like a big baby and I am the big bad wolf. It's like he thinks he deserves so much sympathy and coddling, but it makes me want to just kick him. He also gets upset easily at other times--flies off the handle and has little temper tantrums. He has never been physically abusive of me, but he is perfectionist and critical and very detail focused. My daughter once put it that he lived "in a very little world." I joke that if I didn't know better I would swear he was gay. But his sulking is really getting to me--How can I get him to see he is acting like a spoiled baby?

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